Nicola Leu
Dipl. Pflegefachfrau
Dipl. Lymphdrainage Therapeutin
Klassische Massage Ausbildung nach SOURCE
Psychosoziale Beraterin / Coach
Following her exam in Germany, Nicola Leu came to Zurich in 1989 and gained experience in various surgical disciplines, from heart thorax to eye surgery.
In 1995 she helped to set up the private ward for plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University Hospital of Zurich. There she met her husband Lucas, followed him to Rio de Janeiro, where he completed his Brazilian specialist training in aesthetic, reconstructive surgery at the University Hospital under Professor Ivo Pitanguy. Nicola Leu worked in Professor Ivo Pitanguy’s private clinic and was able to gain a great deal of knowledge about nursing after aesthetic operations and for the later establishment of Klinik Tiefenbrunnen. After founding the clinic and building up the family of two children, she reduced her workload and now works as a nursing service manager in the clinic.
Die postoperative Betreuung und Genesung liegt ihr sehr am Herzen. Diese unterstützt sie durch manuelle Lymphdrainagen nach dem operativen Eingriff.
Postoperative care and recovery are very close to her heart. She supports this with manual lymph drainage after the operation.
In recent years, Nicola Leu has been undergoing ongoing naturopathic training and is currently completing a three-year training course to become a certified psychological consultant / coach.
Nicola Leu would like to support people who are struggling with burnout today with her wide-ranging education.