After contacting us, we will arrange for your consultation and eventual treatment as soon as possible. We are always delighted to take account of your individual needs. Our secretary will be happy to answer all your queries relating to your stay in our Clinic.


Klinik Tiefenbrunnen
Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Dammstrasse 29
CH-8702 Zollikon-Zurich


Medical Network in Aesthetic Medicine
Private Practice at the Dolder Grand
Kurhausstrasse 65
CH-8032 Zurich


Member of Aesthetic Link
Medical Network in Aesthetic Medicine


Mit dem Absenden des Kontaktformulars erkläre ich die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben und bin damit einverstanden, dass die von mir angegebenen Daten zur Bearbeitung und Beantwortung meiner Anfrage elektronisch erhoben und gespeichert werden.


It is not permitted to publish prices for medical treatments in Switzerland. In fact, pricing of procedures would not make sense, because the individual costs vary, according to the nature and duration of the intervention. After consultation you will receive an offer for your treatment. This package contains all of our services from the first consultation until the end of the treatment. The cost for the first consultion is CHF 160.- and is included in the package if you decide for surgery.

Preoperative and postoperative Photographs

It is not permitted in Switzerland to publish before and after pictures on the website. During your consultation we will show you photos of patients who have expressly given their permission to do so.