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The natural aging process leads to changes in the eye area at a relatively early stage and thus affects the appearance quite dramatically.

Eye wrinkles, bags under the eyes and sagging eyelids are more or less pronounced, depending on the familial characteristics.
Eyelid plastic surgery is almost always performed for aesthetic reasons, and only you can decide whether and at what age you want to undergo this procedure.

What actually happens during the surgery?

Each surgery is preceded by a detailed analysis of the eyelid shape, taking into account the surrounding areas of both eyes. At the upper eyelid, a simultaneous deep stepping of the eyebrow (eyebrow ptosis) must be avoided. At the lower eyelid, the tension of the suspension apparatus must be checked and the extent of the protrusion of the fat tissue must be determined, because a displacement of fat tissue from the eye socket can lead to bags under the eyes.

During eyelid plastic surgery, the excess skin is then removed with a scalpel. The extent of the correction depends strongly on the individual condition of your eyelids. A symmetrical result can only be achieved by measuring the skin exactly. If necessary, the fatty tissue is moved back or removed sparingly.

How’s the surgery done?

You enter the clinic on the day of the surgery. Before the actual operation, the surgeon decides on the incision that leads to an optimal result and marks it with a pen. Then, during the operation, the excess skin is removed using a scalpel. Sewing is done with continuous, extremely thin sutures that disappear into the skin and are hardly visible from the outside. The procedure takes about 1 to 1.5 hours.

What happens after the surgery?

Immediately after the surgery there will be more or less severe swelling of your eyes, which will subside after 2 to 3 days. You will also have bruises around your eyes that will disappear after about a week. Since the suture lies exactly in the eyelid wrinkles that develop when the eyes are open, it is usually barely visible after 8 days.

What complications can arise?

In general, complications in aesthetic eyelid surgery are extremely rare; in exceptional cases, bleeding complications may occur which must be treated immediately. If you have unilateral eye pain after the surgery, please contact your surgeon. The infection rate is also very low. You will receive antibiotics for 3 days as a preventive measure. Due to unlikely scarring, small corrections are sometimes necessary to symmetrise or correct a remaining skin fold.

Depending on the extent of the swelling and the individual condition, a temporary slight protrusion of the lower eyelid and increased tearing may occur after a lower eyelid lift. This risk exists especially with older patients and second operations. If these symptoms do not disappear completely within 6 weeks, another small surgery may be necessary to reposition the eyelid.

What aftercare is required?

Prepare to cover your eyes with moist, cooling compresses for 1 to 2 days. This will reduce the swelling of the eye area more quickly.
The fine stitches can be removed post-surgery and usually after two days in the clinic. Fine skin-coloured plasters (Steri Strips) secure the suture for another 5 days.

What needs to be considered after the surgery?

You should not apply any creams or ointments to your eyes in the first week after the operation. Make-up should also not be applied directly to the fresh scar. A slight sensitivity of your eyes after the operation is normal. Therefore, and also to conceal possible small bruises, it is best to wear dark sunglasses.